D6.7. Second Policy Brief
This policy brief summarises the state-of-the-art and presents preliminary conclusions of three Work Packages (WP) of the Inclusion4Shools project. One of them, the Think-Tanks which aimed at bringing knowledge and policy making together, is very close to its end therefore, the lessons learnt can be considered almost final (First chapter of this Policy Report). The field-related and community-based segment of the project, is approximately in the middle of its implementation. Nonetheless, some features of the moral of its implementation are already visible (Second chapter of this report). The last one, which foresees strengthening of the professional cooperation on local, national and international levels in the field of inclusive education, is in its initial state of implementation. However, this start is very promising and already demonstrates potential for unifying all policy-producing efforts made by the consortium so far Chapter four of this Policy Report).
The recommendations presented in the policy brief are still under discussion and will be described in detail in separate documents.