Project plans
D7.4. Data Management Plan 3rd Revision
Our Data Management Plan (DMP) is a living document, it needs to be shaped and updated as the project evolves. It needs to embrace all modifications and reflect on the oncoming tasks. It was written by month 6, i.e. April 2021. The first revision was carried out in month 13, the second one in April 2023, while the last one focusing on sustainability is present document.
The current version of this deliverable reflects the DMP as designed at this final stage of the project.
There were two main types of data produced in the course of our project. The first one, produced by the consortium, are intellectual outputs in various forms: studies, reports, recommendations, evaluations, articles, videos, photos, webinars, reports on events.
The second type of data were materials collected in the course of the project on good practices used in schools, collected in our knowledge-sharing platforms.