Published by: K.F.
On 19 June 2024, the Inclusion4Schools ARE “Ways to reduce educational inequalities and increase inclusion” was launched in Luxemburg
This event consisted of three different parts. The first part briefly introduced the issue of educational inequalities and presented the two projects funded under Horizon 2020. The other parts focused on the presentation of the results.
The PIONEERED results from the quantitative analyses showed the prevalence of inequalities in different European countries, focusing on social origin, ethnic background, and gender, as well as the intersections between these axes of inequality. The results of the sub-studies on policies and practices were summarised, highlighting common features of attempts to address educational inequalities in the countries studied. Particular emphasis was placed on the findings from Luxembourg and Switzerland.
The outcomes of Inclusion4Schools were also discussed, and an interactive online platform was presented where teachers, school development practitioners, and other interested parties could find further information on best practices in schools. Finally, a discussion took place on which approaches appeared to be useful and applicable for everyday practice in the Luxembourg education system.
The main speakers of the event:
During the event, the participants gained an understanding of the issue of educational inequalities in European school systems, including Luxembourg, and the awareness of policies and school practices identified as promising in addressing educational inequalities. The participants were able to analyse various policies and practices aimed at combating inequalities and reflect on how these policies and practices could be feasibly implemented and beneficial in their own professional contexts. They critically engaged with the issue of educational inequalities and potential solutions to mitigate them and drew conclusions regarding suitable policies and practices for their contexts.
Published by: K.F.