Atlas of inequalities in Europe
If there is inequality in education, we have to broaden our horizons, because this social phenomenon will not only affect one segment of our society. The UPLIFT project’s (Urban PoLicy Innovation to address inequality with and for Future generaTions) new survey explores scales and trends in main dimensions of social inequalities in Europe with description of the state of evolution of them.
The study starts by observing the tendency of inequalities from the financial crisis in 2008 and economic crisis in 2009, for presenting what kind of aspects of the society were left without support and what escalated from deeper decadence of the society. The economic crisis had a severe effect on the more vulnerable social groups; this report (with the UPLIFT project) focuses on the urban young adults and their circumstances: how they changed after the crisis and throughout the following years.
Inequality in income and material living conditions, labour market, housing, health, education appears and differs at regional, country and EU level influencing the Common Market. Regarding the inequalities between the regions of the EU, quite a few regional statistics reflect the expected center-periphery distribution, with peripheral regions of Southern and South-Eastern European countries being the most disadvantaged.
You can read the full survey here: https://assets.website-files.com/5e7499fb55d30d096df953e3/5ffc19dab8456a627cd123d2_D13%20-%20Atlas%20of%20inequalities.pdf
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Photo: Igazgyöngy Fundation