In the EU, around 100 million people live in households at risk of poverty and exclusion today. Even though schools have a significant role in overcoming social inequalities, their role should not be overestimated. The traditional school was a cornerstone of social mobility in the 19th and 20th centuries, but its structures, which are difficult to adapt to the challenges of the new millennium, are increasingly leading to the conservation of social inequalities.
If we think of an adaptive school system, communities must play a greater role in supporting schools especially in underprivileged aeras. Without strengthening solidarity, we will not be able to cope with the challenges of the near future: the foreseeable environmental, economic and social crises may result in the deepening of social inequalities and the erosion of our democratic institutions.
Behind the name Inlcusion4Schools is the idea of social cohesion and integration in a dual sense: supporting inclusive pedagogy within public education and supporting segregated schools to create a more cohesive educational system.
The central objective of Inclusion4Schools is to support segregated schools in underprivileged regions, in the formation of bonds with their immediate social environments. Our aim is to facilitate the emergence of solidary and inclusive school communities. In order to promote and strengthen such a vision of communality we will support and coordinate the cooperation between teachers, students, parents, social workers, municipal workers, civil activists, researchers and policy makers. To create transformative school-community partnerships in marginalized social contexts, we need spaces of dialogue, where the different actors can engage together with the public issue of education. Our goal is to facilitate the emergence of transformative educational practices within these school communities, and to establish an international network among them for the sake of disseminating and sharing transformative knowledge and praxis.
The consortium partners of the project are from Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia, but with our activities we would like to reach out to a worldwide audience, trying to make a difference in education. With our project we intend to contribute to the European initiatives and interventions that aim at reversing inequalities through enhancing the cooperation between local, regional and transnational school communities.
Cyntia Kálmánová
Inclusion4Schools na podujatí „Mihotavý lampáš“
Dňa 30. 11. 2024 sme sa s publikom na podujatí „Mihotavý lampáš“ podelili o výsledky projektu Inclusion4Schools. Stretnutie prebehlo v príjemnej atmosfére a bolo obohatené o interaktívny kvíz, ktorý účastníkom umožnil lepšie spoznať ciele a aktivity projektu. Ďakujeme všetkým, ktorí sa zúčastnili a zapojili sa do diskusie aj kvízu. Veríme, že tieto aktivity prispeli k […]
Cyntia Kálmánová
Dňa 30. 11. 2024 sa v rámci diseminácie projektu Inclusion4Schools na podujatí “Pislákoló mécses” uskutoční kvíz o projekte. Odpovede môžete zadať na nasledujúcom odkaze: Vylosované odmeny je možné prevziať výlučne osobne dňa 30. 11. 2024 na pôde Univerzity J. Selyeho.
Cyntia Kálmánová
Inclusion4Schools project presented at the International Scientific Conference in Budapest
The international scientific conference “Challenges and Opportunities in Education, Health and Life Sciences”, organized by J. Selye University, Prešov University, the Academic Council of Hungarians in Slovakia and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, took place in Budapest on 19-20 November 2024. The second day of the conference included a lecture by Dr. Béla Kardon, PhD, […]