Wesley János Lelkészképző Főiskola
MÁV telep
13:00 — 16:00
Finally, the long awaited second community building event was realized with the Wesley Máv-telep school. This time the venue was the school. Our returning guests as well as new members attended the event. Using a precisely elaborated method, we playfully created a vision of imaginary actors similar to the members of the current school community, and together we imagined and projected their progress in schooling, labor market and lifestyle 10 years from now. We then systematically analyzed the ways in which the the school itself could contribute to the lifelong change of the imaginary individuals. It was an exciting and very instructive game. We provided useful ideas and tips for the staff of the MÁV- telep school, the maintainer, and the local community, as well as for the “users” of the school.
The third event of the community building series will be implemented in a month, where we will be developing concrete, detailed ideas once again involving diverse members of the school and its wider community.
MÁV telep
13:00 — 16:00