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Az Inclusion4Schools egy négyéves program, amely az inklúzió, párbeszéd és egyenlőség előmozdítását célozza az oktatásban, miközben fellép a kirekesztés és a rendszerszintű egyenlőtlenség ellen, különösen a szegregált iskolák és közösségek támogatására. A projektben erős hangsúlyt helyezünk az olyan online portálok fejlesztésére, amelyek lehetővé teszik pedagógiai tapasztalatok, módszerek és bevált gyakorlatok megosztását, valamint az iskolák közötti […]
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The international scientific conference “Challenges and Opportunities in Education, Health and Life Sciences”, organized by J. Selye University, Prešov University, the Academic Council of Hungarians in Slovakia and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, took place in Budapest on 19-20 November 2024. The second day of the conference included a lecture by Dr. Béla Kardon, PhD, […]
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This policy brief summarises the state-of-the-art and presents preliminary conclusions of three Work Packages (WP) of the Inclusion4Shools project. One of them, WP2, the aim of which is to bring knowledge and policy making together, is very close to its end therefore, the lessons learnt can be considered almost final. WP3, which is mostly field-related […]
The purpose of this deliverable is to present the development of the project portal from theperspective of knowledge sharing. The online knowledge-sharing portal has been developed for all countries participating in the project to collect, publish, analyse and make public useful practical experience and know-how on the education of disadvantaged children and to build a […]
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Our exploratory work on transformative practices so far is summarized in the deliverable. The first section contains comprehensive state-of-art studies in the four countries of the consortium: focusing on the education systems, the support system for disadvantaged students, and the role of different types of schools regarding social inclusion or exclusion. The second section relies […]
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The online platform is created for the purpose of sharing the pedagogical experiences of schools with majority underprivileged students. Interaction between these schools makes it possible to exchange locally developed techniques and methods (good practices or transformative practices) which are successful in improving the students’ educational progress. The online platform offers opportunity for informal discussions, […]
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This Policy Brief provides a short overview of the results of a survey of institutions and settings for disadvantaged children in Inclusion4Schools project partner countries, Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and partly Slovakia. This document will mostly focus on the parallels and similarities revealed by the survey since these findings can serve as a basis for elaboration […]
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This report presents the results of a survey of institutions and settings for disadvantaged children in Inclusion4Schools project partner countries, Albania, Bulgaria and Hungary. The survey took place in the framework of Task 1.2 of the first work package of the project, from January to October 2021.The aim of the survey was to prepare a […]
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Despite the Covid-19 crisis, the Inclusion4schools (School-Community Partnership for Reversing Inequality and Exclusion: Transformative Practises of Segregated Schools) Horizon 2020 project was successfully started on the 1st of November 2020.
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