
Awareness raising visit in Bulgaria

The visit in Bugaria was a significant step towards enhancing educational inclusivity in the region. The meetings and school visits provided valuable insights and fostered meaningful discussions about the future of inclusive education in Bulagaria.

In Ahtopol, we visited the “Sv. Kiril and Metodiy” Primary School where we had a discussion with the director and other teachers.

In the town of Tzarevo we met Vladimir Dukov, representative of the political party Democratic Bulgaria, who is joining the local parliament in the Municipality of Tzarevo as municipal councilor – we discussed the local policies for Roma education and inclusion in the municipality.

In Sinemorets we had a meeting with Neno Naidenov, PhD, senior assistant professor at the University for Architecture, Construction and Geodesy in Sofia, former deputy minister of the Ministry for Regional Development (until March 2024) – we discussed the national housing policies for Roma and for legal regulation of Roma neighborhoods. As well, we discussed the necessary changes in the legislation for issuing personal identification documents targeted to allow the access to valid ID cards of over 220,000 Bulgarian citizens (most of them Roma). 

We visited different gypsy villages, where we talked to the local people about our different problems and their educational situation.