
Consortium meeting held on 14 th December on task WP1

Consortium meeting held on 14 th December on task WP1

On 14 th December a Consortium meeting was held online by BBB Software.
The event was opened by Péter Tóth from János Selye University in Komárno, Slovakia. The
topic of this meeting was The state of art in the participant countries.

The program was as follows:
– Comparative analysis of the state-of-art
Presentation by Maria Fabó – Selye János University

– Country analyzes for WP1, with a particular focus on state-of-the-art
Envina Xhemi – ANOA
Lyuba Batembergska – CEGA
Péter Tibor Nagy – Oltalom Charity Society
Hanna Szekeres – Oltalom Charity Society
Zsuzsanna Hanna Biró – John Wesley Theological College
Péter Tóth – Selye János University
Péter Tóth – Selye János University

Closing the workshop:
Péter Tóth greeted participants and described the agenda of the workshop. He introduces
Ms. Mária Fabó, the representative of János Selye University, who will present the
Comparative analysis of the state-of-arts prepared by Albanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian and
Slovakian colleagues.
The meeting continued with the presentation of Ms. Mária Fabó from János Selye
The presentation included the following topics:
• Legislative framework and principles
• Vulnerable groups
• Pre – school education
• School education
• University qualification and career development of teachers
• Projects
• The Church in the educational process

First she introduced the legislative framework and principles in all countries. She continued
with Comparison of the Education Systems of participant countries and defined the
vulnerable groups in each country.
A detailed introduction of education systems followed: first the pre – school education, then
the schools education and at the end the university system.
Ms. Fabó continued with career development of teachers in all four countries.
Project concerning education of vulnerable groups followed and at the end she finished her
presentation with the function of the Church in the educational process.
The next presenter was Ms. Envina Xhemi from ANOA, Albania
Ms. Xhemi talked about planning actions in WP 3 and WP 4.

She also mentioned SCHOOL system in Albania/Institutional setting as follows:
– Education Legislation
– Financing of the Education Institutions
– Curricula Development and Evaluation
– Inclusive Education and Vulnerable Groups
– Teacher Training
– Research and Development Projects

She explains School Governance in Albania.
Described the Objectives of:
WP 3: Support for Community-centered Approaches and WP 4: Evaluation & Exchange of
Transformative Practices and shows the possible actions
Ms. Lyuba Batembergska from CEGA, Bulgaria presented next.
Ms. Batembergska mapped the state-of-art in Bulgaria. She featured the legislative
framework of preschool and school education, targeted measures and resources available,
pointed the gaps of the system, pointed the issues to be considered when planning WP3 and

Mr. Péter Tibor Nagy from Oltalom Charity Society, Hungary talked about a peculiarity of
Hungarian educational history before 1945. It is that the four grades of elementary school
are followed by a school path that divides society into three: the vast majority of the
population attend the 5th and 6th grades of elementary school, the urban middle classes
attend the burgerschule and the commercial school that follows, and the elite attend the
secondary school that leads to higher education. The school system was largely run by the
denominations. This tradition is important to understand, because after 1990 it was largely
restored. After 1990, the comprehensive school system based on 8 primary schools
introduced in 1945 was dismantled, the secondary school system was broken down into 8 6
4 class lengths, which allowed early selection. In Hungary, a member of the European Union,
the rejection of disadvantaged children, i.e. the establishment of segregated schools, is in
principle prohibited in the 21st century, but this prohibition is overridden by ecclesiastical
autonomy – thus ecclesiastical schools provide the opportunity to create locally segregated
schools at the elementary level.
The meeting continued with the presentation of Hanna Szekeres from Oltalom Charity
Society, Hungary.

In the presentation, she talked about the Hungarian educational system based on the
country report that was prepared. This talk included the different educational levels and the
secondary school tracking and entrance exams, with special emphasis on how these
structures perpetuate the ethnic and socioeconomic educational gap. The presentation
included the type of schools that exists in Hungary and the difference between them
(municipal, church, private, special), and the representation of disadvantaged children in
these schools. The presentation included mention of the shadow education, such as private
classes and after-school support programs for at-risk youth. Importantly, the presentation
included the topic of teacher training, how the training lacks aspects of intercultural
education, knowledge about segregation and integration, cultural sensitivity or anti-bias, and
how teachers tend to be prejudiced just like the general population, although their biases
are often covert than overt, nevertheless it contributes to the discrimination of minority
children in schools.
At the end of the meeting Mr. Tóth said that Ms. Fabó exhausted the subject of state of art
for Slovakia, so it is not necessary to repeat it once more by him. He summed the meeting
objectives, and thanked everyone for the presence and contributions.

The agenda is available here: