
Implementing equity and inclusion in teacher education in schools – online workshop

The Inclusion4Schools project of John Wesley Theological College, in collaboration with the Association of Teacher Educators, is organising an online workshop on 8 February 2023. The aim of the workshop is to create a forum for dialogue between representatives of higher education and public education on the practice of equity and inclusion.

The integration of career socialisation into school practice in a transforming teacher education system means that the increase in the number of partner institutions, and thus their diversity, will trigger professional choices. With the growth of partner institutions, higher education institutions can also partner with public education institutions where students from a wider range of disadvantaged socio-cultural backgrounds are encountered. It is therefore worth reviewing the need for a revision of the content of teacher education that emphasises knowledge and competences that promote equity. The question of what methods and mentoring support are needed for students in a non-typical public education institution needs to be answered.