
Online think tank – report

Oltalom Charity Society and Wesley College held an online think tank on 20 June, 2022. The participants discussed the issues of data collection and data provision within the context of educational inequalities in an international context. In addition to the I4S staff, researchers from five countries took part in the workshop: from Sweden, Netherlands, Ireland, Estonia, Belgium. The conversation was led by Peter Tibor Nagy.

Based on their reports, the census data are not used for education-related analyses, researchers rely more on the results of international surveys (e.g. PISA) or official education/youth research in their country. In Ireland there is a longitudinal study of 8.000 children, which started in 2006. In Estonia there is an annual status measurement among students, teachers and parents. The access to the data is subject to authorization in every country. Restrictions on data collection and data management differ from country to country, there are places where it is forbidden to keep records of students’ ethnicity and their learning difficulties elsewhere. There is a country where the schools’ data are anonymized. The self-declaration of ethnicity can lead to statistical anomaly as well. All of the researchers would welcome international research cooperation like the PIONEERED project.

Dear Colleagues, thank you for participating in the think tank. We will continue the workshop series about European educational statistics.