Published by: RCISD
On 5 August 2021, the Commission published a proposal for a Council Recommendation on blended learning to support high-quality and inclusive primary and secondary education.
‘Blended learning’ in formal education and training is the term used to describe when a school, educator or student takes more than one approach to the learning process.
It can be a blend of school site and other physical environments (companies, training centres, distance learning, outdoor, cultural sites, etc.) or blending different digital and non-digital learning tools.
This proposal includes both shorter-term measures to address the most pressing challenges and inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also strives to achieve longer-term preparedness by blending learning environments and tools in primary and secondary education and training. Its recommendations distinguish between support to learners, teachers and schools.
The proposal will hopefully be swiftly adopted by the Council. The Commission is ready to support the full implementation of the Recommendation by facilitating mutual learning and exchanges among European Union (EU) Member States and all relevant stakeholders.
Existing dialogue forums, such as Working Groups, set up under the European Education Area and the Digital Education Action Plan, as well as online education and training platforms and communities, for example, the School Education Gateway and eTwinning, will also support the full implementation of the Recommendation.
Published by: RCISD