
Early childhood education and care workforce development: A foundation for process quality

The early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce is foundational for providing high-quality learning, development and well-being experiences for young children. Policies can support the development of this workforce by addressing requirements for initial education and continuing professional development, as well as the working conditions of ECEC staff. Examining different policy approaches with a focus on Ireland and Luxembourg, this Policy Brief highlights key opportunities for peer learning across countries interested in enhancing process quality in ECEC through workforce development.

Process quality encompasses children’s daily interactions through their ECEC settings – including with other children, staff, space and materials, their families and the wider community – which are directly linked to their development, learning and well-being.

Evidence points to the central role that process quality in early childhood education and care (ECEC) plays in young children’s development. Process quality involves young children’s immediate daily interactions in their ECEC settings with their peers, staff, the physical environment and materials, their families and communities. Workforce development, including the initial education that members of the ECEC workforce are required to complete, their continuing professional development, and the working conditions of staff Early childhood education and care workforce development.
