
Equality body in north macedonia orders primary school to end segregation of roma

The Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination of North Macedonia has issued an opinion against the “Gjorgji Sugarev” Primary School in Bitola, giving authorities six months to implement measures aimed at reducing segregation of Romani children in the school.

According to the Commission’s decision, the school’s enrolment practices constitute indirect discrimination against Romani children who are segregated on the basis of their ethnicity in contravention of the Law on Primary Education. Until now, parents of non-Romani students have been able to enrol their children in schools outside of their catchment area because of a selective implementation of the law by the school.

“We are currently awaiting a judgment from the European Court of Human Rights on this case. Although, the Commission’s opinion is very important for us and the parents and children we represent, we will not stop our legal battle until authorities desegregate the school and provide a chance for Romani and non-Romani children from Bair to study together in an inclusive and ethnically diverse environment.” described the ERRC’s Legal Director, Senada Sali.

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