
First Meeting with the RIA projects

Inclusion4Schools project is strongly linked to two parallelly running Horizon2020 RIA projects: SMOOTH and PIONEERD that we were writing about earlier.

The projects started on the 1st of March and held their kick off meetings in the past days. Both projects invited our project – Inclusion4Schools – to gather ideas on how to cooperate more effectively, what are the possible common activities, how can we generate more awareness by joint forces in dissemination.

Inclusion4Schools hopes to work together with the Research and Innovation Actions on a common:

  • Dissemination channel
  • Methodology to target common objectives
  • Events, such as think-tank workshops, awareness raising events, conferences, etc.

On the meetings both projects’ work plan was discussed in detail, here is a short introduction of both:

SMOOTH critically draws out the implications of the commons for refiguring education and for social change in general, on a footing of equality, sharing, participation, togetherness, caring and freedom. In particular, it proposes an innovative action research program with and by children to:

  • reverse inequalities faced by children from vulnerable social groups;
  • strengthen inter-cultural and inter-generational dialogue and social integration;
  • develop vital social and personal skills for the children and adults;
  • create smooth spaces of democratic citizenship and experimentation with new ways of thinking and doing on the basis of equality, collaboration, collective creativity, sharing and caring;
  • build and foster community through differences.

The main objective of the RIA PIONEERED is to determine research-informed policy measures and identify pioneering policies and practices to mitigate (intersectional) inequalities in access to, uptake and completion of education, both in formal and informal educational settings. This involves 

  • mapping emerging and existing sources of educational inequalities over the course of educational careers from early childhood to tertiary education
  • mapping responses to inequalities as pioneering policies and practices from a comparative perspective
  • synthesising the findings and identifying the most promising tools, pioneering policies and practices within and across European countries.