
Inclusive digital communication

The Eurodesk Network is the result of an inspiring idea that materialised in 1990: all young people should have access to quality information about opportunities to learn, volunteer or work abroad. Each year, it informs over 2 million young people through online and face-to-face activities.

Eurodesk’s ambition is to make information on EU and international opportunities visible and accessible to all young people thanks to its information activities, and more particularly through its diverse network of local multipliers and ambassadors (local youth information points, youth centres, libraries, municipalities and other structures in direct contact with young people). In addition, Eurodesk implements a strong digital strategy aimed to reach out to young people throughout Europe via
its websites, digital tools and social media channels. Inclusion is one of the priorities of the Eurodesk 6-year strategy.

It aims to involve young people from all backgrounds in EU policy processes and mobility programmes, with a specific focus on those with fewer opportunities. Eurodesk is committed to creating inclusive content as part of its brand commitment to social change and social inclusion.

In the Eurodesk context,

  • Social inclusion means improving participation for all in society through enhancing opportunities, equal access to resources, and having a voice and respect for everybody’s rights. It requires the distribution of opportunities and resources in a way that minimises disadvantage and marginalisation.
  • Accessible and inclusive information is about reaching more people, including, but not only, young people with disabilities, from disadvantaged areas and socio-economic backgrounds. Eurodesk messages, visuals, designs and websites all play a part in encouraging more people to take part in European opportunities.