On Thursday, 2 nd of June 2022, the first I4S Project Raising Awareness Event (RAE), was carried out in Albania. Inclusive Education and Good Practices in inclusive education gathered around 90 participants, representatives of relevant education central and local institutions, partner schools, local government, relevant institutions of protection against discrimination, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, higher education instructions representatives etc. The participation of consortium members supported the idea that this activity goes beyond one state, and beyond Albania.
The first part of the event served as starting point to open the discussion on defining practices and state of art in the frame of implementing inclusive education on national and school level. The deputy Minister of Education and Sports Ms. Nina Guga raised a number of issues related to the topic and future planned actions relevant to the issue and maybe meeting points with the project’s objectives. Irena Mitro, representative of Ministry of Health and Social Welfare gave an overview of policy review in terms of National Strategy of Roma and Egyptian Integration.
Béla Kardon, RCSID Hungary presented on Inclusion4Schools Project background and objectives, together with the two other RIAs initiatives, like SMOOTH and PIONEERED.
The second part of the event, was very engaging and lively focusing on good practices and models of inclusion and addressing segregation issues in line with the agenda as follows:
Vilfrida Bushati, Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination – Segregation topics and their addressing
Ervin Muço, Municipality of E Elbasan- Involvement of vulnerable groups in local government.
Bledi Taho, Executive Director IRCA, (Institute of Romani Culture in Albania)- Empowerment of vulnerable groups in problem solving.
Herolinda Shkullaku, Director of Nehemiah Gateway Foundation, – Case of “Amaro Tan” Schoo
Dr. Albina Pajo, Head of the Department of Education, Arjan Kamburi Department of Education from
“Fan Noli” University, Korça – Continuous training of teachers on inclusion, as a necessity for respecting children’s rights to education.
This parti constituted the core of the event where all the present participants joined the discussion and offered experiences and shared common concerns of daily life teaching processes and issues of discrimination, segregation, teaching methods and practices. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed, at the end of the event to support the cooperation between the I4S Project in Albania and the Municipality of Elbasan, that is a partner location for the Project.