Published by: RCISD
In the previous modules we have proposed some learning materials to better understand school segregation as a complex phenomenon, by focusing on drivers and implications of socioeconomic segregation in schools, as well as tools to understand and evaluate school segregation at a local level.
In this module we focus on policies and strategies to prevent, limit or manage the effects of school segregation. Units of this module report evidences from scientific research and practices from different contexts within and outside Europe. They have not been selected as “best practices” but as a catalogue of ideas and tools that can be inspiring for other decision makers.
A number of contextual factors must be considered here as far as they may shape different contours and outcomes of these policies in European cities. First of all, cities experience different levels of residential segregation, which have an impact on the patterns of school segregation and therefore on policies and programs needed to tackle it. Second, the capacity and autonomy of local and regional authorities and schools relies on the governance of the school system, which makes necessary to identify key actors and their capacities when designing a policy in each specific context. Finally, contexts’ characteristics modulate policies effects, so a policy may produce very different outcomes when applied to different contexts. Against this background, policy makers are invited to read these materials taking into consideration the specific context in which they operate.
Objectives of the module: Module5 aims at providing information and reflections on the wide range of policies and tools to deal with school segregation. In particular, the objectives of this module are:
Outline of the module: this module is structured in 5 units
Unit 5.3. Information policies
Published by: RCISD